Campbell Headed To Oakland

Campbell Headed To Oakland

In the biggest off season block buster move, Jason Campell goes to the Raiders. The Raiders rejected any efforts to take Big Perv Ben Rothlesburger and instead made the decision to grab the most talented African American Quarterback. The thought here may be, let Jason mentor J-Russ.

Most speculate this move will take the Raiders to the playoffs. Tom Cable and Al Davis are looking like geniuses. In other related news, Kirk Morrison was released to the Jaguars but this is not a huge loss as the Raiders got a Line Backer in their first round draft pick.

Campbell Headed To Oakland

Young Jeezy – Lose My Mind feat. Plies – dope track

This track is Dope

LOSE my Mind
guess what my mamma told me she hate my patnas
guess why she hate em tho cause all of em robbers
fucc tha police cause all of em problems
white girls fun cause all of em swallow
why aint fucc her at tha house cause the bitch holla
and where tha pill man at she need a blue dolphin
ole broke ass niggaz stop cocc bloccin
security i need help cause tha bitch stalkin

LOSE my Mind

Rare Notorious B.I.G. Interview With Uncle Luke. Speaks On Tupac Beef & ‘Life After Death’ Album

Sometime in 1996 (around Lil Cease birthday?) Notorious BIG did this interview with Uncle Luke on his Peep Show that aired on cable during the mid 1999s. He talks about his second album, Life After Death, being released on October 31, 1996 for Haloween and he talks about the conflict with his then rival Tupac Shakur. Shortly after this interview, Tupac Shakur was murdered in Las Vegas.


Water, fire, air and dirt
Fucking magnets, how do they work?

on the song miracles icp ask how magnets work here is how magnets work

A magnet (from Greek μαγνήτις λίθος magnḗtis líthos, Magnesian stone) is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials like iron and attracts or repels other magnets.


Media Credit:

Music carries many different meanings; some people prefer country, while others prefer rock. However, I am not sure there are words to describe Insane Clown Posse’s newest album Bang! Pow! Boom!, which surprisingly is not part of a cereal’s slogan.

The album exhibits many genres of music, from rap to rock, and then a double-shot of downright awful. This album is already in the running for worst album of the year in my opinion, and it’s only the beginning of April.

The album starts off with a track of a demonic-sounding voice talking about someone coming to perform a cleansing. The third track, “In Yo Face,” includes thought provoking and clever lyrics such as, “Phonies out there posing as Juggalos/But see it as a demographic to push what-have-it/In yo face!” They do, however, let the listener know that they are delivering “something special for you” and that “they have you covered, homie.” Apparently, they went to the cemetery and resurrected the word “homie” from 2001.

If I had to pick one good song on the album, I couldn’t. It is terrible from start to finish. The beats are amateur and at times have absolutely zero rhythm to them. The lyrics sound like a sixth-grader just figured out he could curse and is throwing out as many words as possible to impress his friends. Half of them make no sense at all and the other half are just self-indulgent. Rapper Shaggy does throw a shout out to his mother and thanks her for his time on the Earth. You have to give credit to a guy for knowing his roots.

Overall, Bang! Pow! Boom! is just a terrible album. It isn’t even one of those records where it’s so bad it’s good. Don’t waste your money, and don’t buy this album. If you do, you will wish that the song “Imma Kill You” carried a little truth in advertising.

Juggalos wear facepaint for religious reasons

The truth about juggalo facepaint exposed – Juggalos wear the paint for religious / cult reasons

To: aclu, human rights, unted states congress and senate

this petition is for the fight of juggalo equality. we are called juggalos we live all across the world but in the united states we are currently facing our biggest hardship of them all. we are being treated like a cult or a gang. we are very religious group. yes we may listen to music that talks of murder axes drugs and sex but that’s all that is music. there was a underlying message from the founding group of this all the Insane Clown Posse. which was a message about finding god and doing what is right helping other but yet being able to still have fun as long as it didn’t mean doing something bad in god’s eyes. there is many religions across the country and the world allot of them have rotten apples among them but they don’t get treated like we do by the untied states local state and federal governments. our religion is not acknowledged by any of them but seen as a joke. I my self have experienced this first hand. I was arrested while my face was painted which is something we do to have fun but also as a way to individualize our selves and as a religious part. I was told by the police to remove it or I would face another charge which would be obstruction of justice. I told the police that I wear it for religious reasons and taking it off before the date it was intended to come off was a violation of my religious rights. they laughed at me.they didn’t believe that we have a religion, and told me at first I was making it up. I did take the face paint off though so I could get out because my fiancé who is also a juggalo had the required amount to bail me out. but that’s not the end of it they tried to get her to leave the police department because they told her I didn’t want to be bailed out. now you may not know me but my fiancé has two boys who I take care of daily while she is at work why would I not want to be bailed out? I’m sorry I’m getting away from the point here. the point is we are the same as any religion out there that believes in god we are not about killing people we are not about hate we are not about being a gang. look at the Muslims they get the same type of treatment as us from the us government they are all looked at as terrorist but are they no. it is only because some Muslims have gone off and blown stuff up crashed a few planes and now all Muslims are bad. that’s not right just like some people who call them self’s juggalos do stuff that doesn’t mean if they do something bad it represents us as a whole that only represents that individual. I ask for any one who believes in this cause please sing this petition whether you are a juggalo or not. because one day it may be your religious choice that is treated the same way as ours. thank you for helping in our fight in religious equality.
rev Joel H Dinovo
also known as rev truth


This petition has 4571 Total Signatures and is just showing the more sinister side of a cult based on what some people consider harmless music .

Sign the Anti Juggalo petition here

Should the gathering of the juggalos – gotj be banned?

The juggalo gathering – gotj has run many years and there has been many problems with violent juggalos , juggalo gangs , attacks on public and drug offenses.

Should the juggalo gathering still run – gotj 2010 or should it be sent to the land of the banned?

An example of what happened in gotj 2009

* Traffic offenses

* 200 people arrested for drug offenses
* Police got called out for people having guns and knifes
* traffic accidents

* heat stroke/exhaustion
* Parents calling to check on their kids – having to collect violent children

* Information Booths Burnt Down

*15 Juggalos attacked injured , 2 seriously injured

*Rubbish left behind – large cleaning expense

Please sign our petiotion to ban the gathering of the juggalos here

A Example of a Juggalo – Syko Sam

The suspect in the slayings of four people in Farmville may have been in Internet communication with the daughter of the Longwood University professor who lived at the home where McCroskey III keeps two MySpace pages — one where he goes by the name “Lildemondog” that is for his personal use, the other to promote his music under the stage name “Syko Sam.”

Wade Stimpson, acting chief of the Farmville Police Department yesterday confirmed that McCroskey used the name Syko Sam and said he had also heard that the suspect used the name Lildemondog.

His personal page, which lists his status as “out of town,” has a black background and in large letters at the top reads “I’m different. I’ve seen the dead come alive.” The last login to the account was Friday, according to the date stamp.

Emma Niederbrock, daughter of associate professor Debra S. Kelley and the Rev. Mark Niederbrock, went by the name RagDoll on MySpace. Her page is set to private, so details weren’t available, but she frequently left messages on McCroskey’s personal page. Though she doesn’t use her name on her MySpace page, friends posted messages throughout the day yesterday mourning Emma’s death.

On Sept. 7, the last message she wrote on McCroskey’s page, she wrote: “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwe baby the next time you check your myspace, YOULL BE AT MY HOUSE! I cant waiiiit to see you baby its like 6:17AM, and ive been up since 4ish filled with uber amounts of excitement . . . i love you sooo SO much baby; forever and for always.”

McCroskey writes that he’s 20, from Castro Valley, Calif.; is single and has a high school education. He’s 5-foot-9, with an average build and red hair.

The site includes 65 photos from a two-week trip to Washington state in early June, including pictures of McCroskey drinking a 40-ounce beer and references to him “defiling graves” with friends.

He includes on the page “Fun Facts of the Sam: I am.. the Sam, a Web designer, a graphic designer, a musician, a photographer, a gamer, a promoter, a juggalo. I am not.. a creeper, a stalker, a rapist, a serial killer, a zombie . . .

McCroskey also lists himself as promoter for Wicked Intent Records and Serial Killin Records. “I’m a Nerd, a Gamer, a Musician and a Awesome person. I love music, Its one of my passions.”

On his other MySpace page, where he goes by the stage name “Syko Sam,” he describes his music career: “Syko Sam is a new musician (sic) in the underground and only been rapping for a few months now. As a new artist I feel that I already have some talent in this scene but will only get better as time will do its job.”

The songs posted on the site have names such as “Murderous Rage,” “Creatures of the Darkness” and “Sick Minds Think Alike.”

Yesterday afternoon, someone posted a public statement about the Farmville slayings — including the victims’ names and MySpace identities — on the Web site for Wicked Intent Records and on, which sells music, clothes, posters and other items.

The statement says the killings occurred shortly after an all-day music festival Sept. 12 called “Strictly for the Wicked 2009,” which was held in Southgate, Mich. That event was hosted by and Serial Killin Records, the company that McCroskey said he did promotions work for.

“We would like to firstly and most importantly send out deepest regards, respects, and condolences to all the families involved,” the statement reads. “This was as much of a shock to us, as were (sic) sure it has been to everyone else involved, and this tragedy will forever impact the rest of our lives as we are sure it has impacted yours.”

Dozens of comments were posted online yesterday in response to the statement on the Wicked Intent Records and sites, including some from people who said they had hung out with two of the victims and the suspect at the Michigan music festival.

Ignorant Juggalo Denys Syko Sam – A Juggalo Family Member

Alrighty. Let’s get this straight.
Do you have any factual evidence that Syko is a Juggalo?
Prove to us that he says the words J-U-G-G-A-L-O and claims it.

Here is your Proof … Syko Sam is definitely a juggalo and for you to try and deny he is makes you look like a idiot

He includes on the page “Fun Facts of the Sam: I am.. the Sam, a Web designer, a graphic designer, a musician, a photographer, a gamer, a promoter, a juggalo. I am not.. a creeper, a stalker, a rapist, a serial killer, a zombie . . .