Sykocutter diss Crisis Of Faith – The Warrior’s Oath [Produced by EKX]

If a series of random phone calls in various hours of the night didn’t stop him. And a simple internet video using a compuerized voice didn’t stop him. Did “Horrorcore’s greatest groupie rappers” actually think they are on par with KM? And do they really think that the producer-friend of theirs is the best rap producer in the underground? Yeah Bobby Loveless don’t fool the true fan’s of the wicked shit. We said you wasn’t worth our time but let’s face it, You had this coming… -KM-

Song: The Warriors Oath
Lyrics written & Performed by Killa-mo 187
Produced, Composed, Edited, Arranged, Mixed, and Mastered by EKX
Pieced altogether like a well oiled machine of decade-plus dominance by Crisis Of Motherfuckin’ Faith!

Like the song? It will also be available on Killa-mo 187’s “Killin’ Off Valentine’z Part 4” EP coming February 14th, 2015 at

This will also be available on the upcoming Crisis Of Faith LP which will reveal it’s title at the end of the video.

Now about the ad before and after the music?
A few weeks ago a wrestler by the name of Steven Robinson was hospitalized following a wrestling event in Louisville, KY. So with the help of a few of his fellow wrestlers. They have set up a fund to where 10 dollars made from each of the t-shirts will go right to his medical bills. And since no “reliable” news sources will help lend support for the man. We’re going to. To order the shirt head to!pro…

Why detroit underground rap is a joke ft Seven the General – Its now Detroit vs Detroit – Seven the General vs Poe

“DETROIT VS EVERYBODY ft. Po…” This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Seven the General.

Seven the general reports poe whosaines video – a guy featured in the same song so only he gets the youtube views around 1500 – losing 800 views from poes video in the process and reporting Poe – hurting his youtube account and potentialy getting it shut down if he gets a few more striked

Well done – just fight between each other over scraps while the big guys could give a fuck and have 100000 different uploads of the same song on youtube and dont care.

Its no longer Detroit vs Everybody – Its Detroit vs Detroit and people doing the same track vs each other.

A will for the woods movie 2014

So i watched some crap movie called A will for the woods where a cancer patient wants to be buried in an unmarked wooden box in the woods – natural and chemical free – Dude was on chemo and a ton of other shit cancer treatments – you think the trees are not going to absorb his poisons ?? – dude should have just been cremated and his ashes thrown in the woods -no need to waste my time for 1.5 hours .

3/10 – excellent photography , crap plot .

Where the hell are Médecins Sans Frontières Doctors Without Borders ? Help OREM

Seriosly paging Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders

Where is dcotors without borders ?

Happy Monday everyone. We hope you had a good weekend. We wanted to give you an update about our progress with Orem’s case.

We have been in contact with a number of surgeons/charities/hospitals with regards to helping Orem but haven’t been successful in finding a group or surgeon that would commit to surgery.

We have written many emails and met with doctors but so far, we don’t have any positive news.

We need your help. We believe there are many doctors/surgeons around the world that can perform reconstructive surgery on Orem. We just don’t know who the surgeons are.

For that reason, we are asking you to share this picture of Orem on your Facebook pages and other social media networks you may be on. Hopefully, someone will see the photo and may get in touch with a team that will be willing to help Orem.

We are 109 of us on this page. If we share this photo on our profiles, we can potentially reach over 100K people, and the message will get seen more, and hopefully some surgeons will be touched and offer to help.

Please take 2 seconds to share this photo and let’s help Orem get reconstructive surgery.

Be blessed wherever you are.

DETROIT VS EVERYBODY ft. Poe WhoSAine Big Herk Chedda boy Malik Awesome Dre Will Louchi Big Gov

Detroit vs Everybody produced by the Olympicks (MMG) features legendary emcees Poe Whosaine Big Herk Big Gov Cheddaboy Malik Awesome Dre Poppa D & Will Louchi x Dirty Bird Seven the GeneraL background vocals Latavia Parker WHOSAINIYAK MUZIK
Follow @poe whosaine on IG & Twitter sub to the channel for more content

Help Orem

Orem was born in Kitale, a small agricultural town found at the foot of Mount Elgon, in western Kenya, near the Kenya-Uganda border with a
population of about 150,000 people.

Orem is the short form of Orembo (meaning ‘the beautiful one’ in Dholuo Language). He was born very handsome and his mother died when he was only 4. His father married another wife to take care of him and his two brothers. The step mother was exceedingly jealous of his looks and one morning while boiling tea, her jealousy graduated to indignation and she doused him in the face with boiling water, totally damaging the young Orembo. His name changed from Orembo to ‘Orem’.

Orem has been known for his looks and jiggers; he has seen no joy from that fateful day to date. His education was put to naught as he stopped going to school to nurse the wounded face and live with the opposite of what he was born with; a totally deformed face. He then moved in and lived with his elder brother who took good care of him.

Unfortunately in 2006 (2 years down with his malady) his brother died. He had to move in with the other brother who has not been very caring to Orem. His less than perfect wife has not been giving him food and he walks amidst all the humiliation coming from the screaming of kids who do that for fear as he begs for food in the nearby Matisi market. He walks for 2 kilometers every evening to this small marketplace for food.

Orem has lived with a nylon bag to contain the saliva that keep dripping from his deformed mouth and protruding tongue. Every morning he has to tie a new bag around his neck.

Rise Up Society volunteers bumped into Orem while carrying out the anti-jigger campaign exercise in Kitale. Orem was among jigger victims. A
jigger is a bug that borrows into the skin and lays eggs there, enlarging and causing a lot of pain to the victim and it grows and sucks blood.
After digging jiggers from him, the charitable organization decided to make his story known for possible multiple reconstructive surgery.

Ariel Helwani and other MMA journalists ignoring potential cheating scandal by jon jones

But here’s where it gets serious: cocaine is not the most newsworthy detail of Jones’ drug test results, even though the UFC makes it look as such. His testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio (commonly referred to as “T:E ratio”) and testosterone levels are alarming.

Jones’ T:E ratio is abnormally low in the first test: 0.29:1. An average T:E ratio is 1:1 although averages differ based on, for example, ethnical background. T:E ratio tells us how much testosterone he has in his body compared to the amount of epitestosterone – it doesn’t, however, tell us anything about his actual testosterone levels.

Having such a low T:E ratio indicates either a health problem (unlikely considering Jones is such a big, dominating athlete) or cycling off from testosterone usage. When you take synthetic testosterone, your body stops producing its own testosterone. Once you stop taking synthetic testosterone, it can take from weeks to months – depending on the case – for your testosterone production to re-start, which then leads to abnormally low testosterone levels. So with that said…

Jones’ testosterone level is at 1.8 ng/ml – a more common way of putting it is 180 ng/dl while normal for an average adult is between 350 ng/dl and 1000 ng/dl. Since we’re talking about one of the top athletes in the sport, it’s highly unlikely that his testosterone levels would be lower than average, or as in this case, almost 50% below what’s considered the minimal normal amount.

iTunes and Spotify Announce They Will Be Removing All Insane Clown Posse Music From Their Library

Today it was announced that both iTunes and Spotify will be pulling all Insane Clown Posse songs from their digital media libraries. Fans of the Insane Clown Posse can expect to see all traces of the hip hop duo removed from iTunes and Spotify by mid-January 2015. The details behind the decision were relatively unclear; however a spokesperson from each entity has confirmed that they have been receiving large amounts of pressure from advertisers and sponsors to remove Insane Clown Posse music from their library.
iTunes spokesperson Gerald Hutchinson told reporters, “The decision to remove them (Insane Clown Posse) from our digital library was not an easy one, however at the end of the day we are a business and have to make decisions that are conducive to our earnings and growth.” According to Hutchinson, iTunes has received an abundance of threats to terminate or decline renewal of advertising contracts from several advertisers and sponsors.

Hutchinson declined to comment as to which sponsors and advertisers were threatening to terminate their affiliation with iTunes, however he did make the following statement, “The requests to eliminate Insane Clown Posse’s music from our library have been growing in size each month, it was clear that the issue was not going to disappear.” According to Hutchinson iTunes began to receive threats from the unnamed advertisers and sponsors in July 2014 after a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit requiring the FBI to discontinue the classification of Insane Clown Posse’s fan base as a gang.
It is clear to experts and speculators alike that advertisers were not comfortable with having affiliation with a company that provides its customers with music that speaks to gang members and criminal activity. Devin Larson, a social commentator for the Toolson Herald told fans of the publication, “It’s certainly an interesting scenario, on one hand Insane Clown Posse and their fans are protected by the freedom of speech, on the other hand iTunes and Spotify are entitled to make decisions that best serve their business and profits, advertisers and sponsors are a huge part of those profits.”
Spotify spokesperson Kimberly Terrence told reporters, “As a company that does not charge our customers to access music, advertisers are crucial to our business model. As much as it pains us to upset any demographic of our current customers, we simply could not survive without the support of our advertisers and sponsors. “
Though Insane Clown Posse founders Violent J (Joseph Bruce ) and Shaggy 2 Dope (Joseph Utsler) have not yet publically addressed the decision made by iTunes and Spotify, their seemingly loyal fans, referred to as Juggalos, have been very outspoken regarding their dissatisfaction with the decision. One Insane Clown Posse fan who refers to himself has Loco Chain made the following statement via twitter, “No more iTunes or Spotify, only Pandora 4 me…Why are they not removing GANGSTER rap like Easy E?”