Anti Cyberbullying concert by Killa-mo 187

Anti Cyber bullying concert
Anti Cyber bullying concert

Someday down the road… I’m gonna make this show a reality. Got a good label behind me to do it. And for once I can make a concert with horrorcore and wicked shit act’s up here where the ENTIRE concert will go to help fight cyberbullying.
Let’s do it. Let’s start the battlecry. use this hashtag ‪#‎Cyberbullyisntparody‬ if you proudly support it.

Lets brake this down

His concert is titled – FYKOTN as in Fuck you kings of the net

His latest song calls people fags 8 times , has attacked catlien jenner , He has wished people get decapitated , send KKK to black peoples houses and threatened to beat people down… and now he is trying to run an anti cyber bullying concert .

Twiztedlette – a juggalette who doesnt get it

Fuck all of you juggalo haters.
We give you kno reason to hate us.
So we dont dress like all of you
or listen to the same music as all of you
that doesnt mean we arent human beings.
Im tired of seeing these damn websites with all this bullshit
so what if you dont understand what we believe in
does that mean you have to go around killing us
and saying every rude ass comment that comes to your mind about us
i mean seriously you call us a gang because we dress alike
and listen to the same music
and yeah i will admit some of us do get in legal trouble
but i mean if we wanna get technical we could call “preps”
a gang.
they dress alike. basically all of them wear hollister,
aeropostale, and american eagle and all those other shitty stores
like them. they also listen to very similar music and some of them too get in legal trouble.
so just stop with all this bullshit and move on

Hate haters , hate rich people and hate rude people while being rude and hateful – juggalettes and ninjettes

Man dressed as penis disrupts graduation

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SARATOGA SPRINGS — A 19-year-old man dressed as a penis was arrested for disturbing a high school graduation today at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center.

Calvin Morett of 337 Pyramid Pine Estates allegedly interrupted the Saratoga Springs High School graduation by marching across SPAC’s stage in an inflatable 6-foot penis costume while diplomas were being given out, Saratoga Springs Police Sgt. Sean Briscoe said.

Morett purchased the full-body costume and sprayed parts of the 5,000 people in the crowd with Silly String, Briscoe said.

His motive? “He thought it would be funny,” Briscoe said.

Morett was ticketed for disorderly conduct, a violation, and will face the charges in City Court on Tuesday, Briscoe said.

Morett graduated from Saratoga Springs High School last year. He tried to streak away from law enforcement, but could not.

“Once I stopped laughing, he was pretty easy to catch because he was tripping on the lower portion of the costume,” said Briscoe, who made the arrest.

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You Might Have People Living in Your Attic,Like This Guy

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STUNNED Lee Bradley looked in his loft – and found a colony of Kosovans living in the roof.

The 12 illegal immigrants were sitting on mattresses eating sandwiches.

Party walls had been knocked down between Lee’s home and two adjoining properties to create a living space for several families, with an electric light dangling from the roof.

Shocked Lee, 33, closed the hatch and dialled 999. Police raced to his rented house and scrambled the force helicopter – but by the time they arrived the loft dwellers had gone.

Lee, wife Caroline and their four kids had just moved into the £500-a-month terraced home in West Bromwich, West Midlands.

He said: “I decided to have a look in the loft space and popped my head through the hatch.

“There was a light dangling from the roof and about a dozen people, men, women and a baby who started to cry when she saw me. They were eating sandwiches and just stared back at me. I was scared and shut the hatch straight away.

“The police were here within 20 minutes but the people had gone. They’d taken their mattresses and bedding but left behind a table, chairs and toys. The police think they’re illegal Kosovan immigrants but God knows where they are now – they just vanished.”

Caroline, 32, said: “Lee came in ashen-faced and said, ‘There’s a load of people living in the loft.’ I thought it was a wind-up. But it scared me to death to think we moved in with them up there.”

Previous tenant Shirley Graham, 54, said: “I’d heard babies crying but found it strange because there weren’t any babies in the terrace.

“Now I realise it was coming from the loft.

“It’s terrifying to think those people were up there right over my bedroom ceiling.”

Cops believe the fiddlers in the roof got access through an adjoining house that had been sublet.

They then scarpered after realising they had been rumbled by unemployed plumber Lee.

Police said immigration authorities had been alerted and officers were contacting the owners of the adjoining properties.

Man Accused of Raping Woman Over the Telephone

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Tunisia: A 30-year-old man has been accused of rape over a telephone conversation he had with a 20-year-old woman. The pair were reportedly having an erotic conversation when the woman screamed and indicated that she was bleeding.

According to the family’s lawyer, Maha al-Metebaa, a medical examination of the young woman showed that she had lost her virginity. He said that the allegations need careful examination. The man denies ever touching the woman.

“The intercourse did take place… verbally only. The sexual act did not really happen because the physical proximity factor is not there, yet it happened because there is a direct physical impact – the loss of virginity,” said al-Metebaa.

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Mexican Gang Wants you

“Operative group ‘The Zetas’ wants you, soldier or ex-soldier. We offer a good salary, food and benefits for your family. Don’t suffer anymore mistreatment and don’t go hungry. We wont give you instant noodle soup.”

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Mexico’s Gulf cartel is actively trolling for new recruits by posting advertisements in the city of Nuevo Laredo, which included a giant sign hung over a major highway overpass. It’s thought to be grief for police posting pictures of wanted men.

Although still being investigated, the banner is believed to be genuine. ‘The Zetas’ are the group recruiting and are the enforcing wing of the Gulf Cartel. All across Mexico is a rise in ad’s seeking those with Visas to drive across the border.

Often the applicants think they are going to become messengers, but instead end up transporting drugs across the borders. All of this is in response to tougher border security, which makes it harder to get the drugs across to the US.

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Wife could not give me a child so I swapped her for a goat

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Wife could not give me a child so I swapped her for a goat
By Stephen Moyes 12/04/2008
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A farmer who blamed his wife for not providing him with a child has swapped her for a goat with three kids.

Three-times-wed Stoil Panayotov struck a deal with another farmer at a livestock market and handed over his wife in exchange for eight-year-old Elena.

Stoil, 54, said: “A friend told me that he had no luck with women and that he really liked my wife.” Amazingly, she went along with the arrangement. Stoil added: “The deal was reached when my wife gave her approval.

“The goat has given birth to three kids and my wife to none. This deal was more profitable to the goat owner – I got a second-hand goat and he got a brand new wife.”

The trade was concluded in front of a stunned crowd in the market town of Plovdiv in Bulgaria. Now locals are wondering what will happen next if things don’t work out between Stoil and Elena.

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Chris Webber Unexpectedly Retires from NBA

NBA star Chris Webber announced his retirement yesterday, following yet another injury putting him on the sideline. Webber, who plays for the Golden State Warriors, was on the comeback trail when he injured his knee.

Webber said last night: I really didn’t want to rehab and come back this season because I don’t think that was possible. “Plus, because the way the team is playing, the chemistry is great with these guys, they’re on a roll.”

Webber, who played for Golden State, Sacramento, Detroit, Philadelphia and Washington during his career, said he wishes to remain in the game, so to speak, starting with a new position as a TV commentator.

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Obama related to Pitt, Clinton to Jolie

BOSTON – This could make for one odd family reunion: Barack Obama is a distant cousin of actor Brad Pitt, and Hillary Rodham Clinton is related to Pitt’s girlfriend, Angelina Jolie.

Researchers at the New England Historic Genealogical Society found some remarkable family connections for the three presidential candidates — Democratic rivals Obama and Clinton, and Republican John McCain.

Clinton, who is of French-Canadian descent on her mother’s side, is also a distant cousin of singers Madonna, Celine Dion and Alanis Morissette. Obama, the son of a white woman from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, can call six U.S. presidents, including George W. Bush, his cousins. McCain is a sixth cousin of first lady Laura Bush.

“You’d think with all that singing talent in the family she’d be able to carry a tune,” Clinton’s senior adviser Philippe Reines said. “But now it makes much more sense how she snagged a Grammy.”

Clinton won for best spoken word Grammy in 1997 for “It Takes a Village.” Obama also won a Grammy in that category this year for the audio version of his book, “The Audacity Of Hope: Thoughts On Reclaiming The American Dream.”

Genealogist Christopher Child said that while the candidates often focus on pointing out differences between them, their ancestry shows they are more alike than they think.

“It shows that lots of different people can be related, people you wouldn’t necessarily expect,” Child said.

Obama has a prolific presidential lineage that features Democrats and Republicans. His distant cousins include President George W. Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry S. Truman and James Madison. Other Obama cousins include Vice President d*ck Cheney, British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill and Civil War General Robert E. Lee.

Obama often jokes about his cousin Cheney at campaign appearances.

“His kinships are across the political spectrum,” Child said.

Child has spent the last three years tracing the candidates’ genealogy, along with senior research scholar Gary Boyd Roberts, author of the 1989 book, “Ancestors of American Presidents.”

Clinton’s distant cousins include beatnik author Jack Kerouac and Camilla Parker-Bowles, wife of Prince Charles of England.

McCain’s ancestry was more difficult to trace because records on his relatives were not as complete as records for the families of Obama and Clinton, Child said.

Obama and President Bush are 10th cousins, once removed, linked by Samuel Hinkley of Cape Cod, who died in 1662.

Pitt and Obama are ninth cousins, linked by Edwin Hickman, who died in Virginia in 1769. Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, declined to comment on the senator’s ancestry.

Clinton and Jolie are ninth cousins, twice removed, both related to Jean Cusson who died in St. Sulpice, Quebec, in 1718.

The New England Historic Genealogical Society, founded in 1845, is the oldest and largest nonprofit genealogical organization in the country.

Bush Closer to Bombing Iran

he odds of Bush bombing Iran have gone up dramatically this week.There’s just no other way to rationally interpret the resignation of Admiral William Fallon as head of Centcom.

Fallon resigned, and more likely was pushed out, after Esquire published an article on him entitled “The Man Between War and Peace.” It said he was the one standing in the way of Bush bombing Iran.

He’s not standing in the way any longer.

Actually, his rival, General David Petraeus, is now more powerful than ever. And as the Esquire article noted, Petraeus has said: “You cannot win in Iraq solely in Iraq.”

Fallon seemed to understand the risk he was taking when he took the job as head of Centcom. He told Esquire: “Career capping? How about career detonating?”

Fallon’s fate as a weathervane for war with Iran has been clear since the time of his confirmation, when he told a source that an attack on Iran “will not happen on my watch.”

His watch just stopped.

He also said, a the time, “There are several of us trying to put the crazies back in the box.”

But the crazies are still bounding around outside the box, and none crazier than Dick Cheney, who is off on a Mideast trip, ostensibly to deal with Israel and Palestine and also with high oil prices.

But there are other purposes, as well. Cheney is visiting Oman, “a key military ally and logistics hub for military operations in the Persian Gulf,” notes U.S. News & World Report.

What’s more, according to U.S. News, “two U.S. warships took up positions off Lebanon earlier this month.” The Pentagon “would want its warships in the eastern Mediterranean in the event of military action against Iran to keep Iranian ally Syria in check and to help provide air cover to Israel against Iranian missile reprisals,” the story said. “One of the newly deployed ships, the USS Ross, is an Aegis guised missile destroyer, a top system for defense against air attacks.”

U.S. News cited three other signs why war is more likely now: Israel’s airstrike on Syria, Israel’s war with Hezbollah, and Shimon Peres’s disavowal of unilateral action.

Here’s one more: The director of national intelligence, Mike McConnell, testified to the Senate on February 5 that maybe in last fall’s NIE he overstressed the fact that Iran had halted its nuclear weapons work. And maybe he overplayed the fact that Iran doesn’t know how to design a nuclear weapon just yet.

And maybe he should have highlighted the fact that Iran was still enriching uranium.

And maybe he should have emphasized that, therefore, Iran still poses a potential nuclear threat.

“In retrospect,” McConnell said, “I would do some things differently.”

Like give Bush and Cheney exactly what they ask for.

Something Admiral Fallon, to his credit, was not prepared to do.