Trump not doing the fox debate is a genius idea – watch his charity on CNN

>Megyn Kelly is one of the moderators in the FOX Jan. 28th debate
>Trump says he doesn’t like her because of what she did last time and her obvious bias against him and asks FOX to reconsider
>Trump considers not going to Fox Debate because of it
>we all know he isn’t going to actually do it, just see if FOX will fold their hand like a bunch of bitches
>all is well until…
>some reddit intern at FOX publishes an article with some snarky passive-aggressive comment basically mocking Donald and calling his bluff
>Trump says okay most likely not going
>then he make the final decision “NO”, shortly after
>Fox is flabbergasted, thinks it’s a publicity stunt
>CNN is eating this shit up and loving it
>almost everyone on CNN thinks it’s a good move
>FoX is in full damage control
>it also turns out they brought on 3 “youtube celebs” to have a significant part of the debate as well
>one is a known anti-trump muslim advocate (who’s youtube channel consists of make up videos)
>she equated Donald Trump to Hitler, you know the type
>this was all yesterday
>more damage control
>articles calling Trump a coward (increasinglynervousman.jpg)
>others calling him brilliant.
>Rush Limbaugh comes out and gives a lengthy talk about the brilliance of this move
>FOX begging for Trump to answer his phone
>entire race is thrown into chaos
>other candidates’ campaign managers say the race is in a limbo stand-still right now
>FOX plans on doing the debate without Trump
>shills and sliding threads non-stop on /pol/ since it started
>hundreds of “I used to support Trump, but X happened and now I feel le bern!!” shills
>Bill O’reilly literally begging for Trump go to on the debate, forgiving his personal milkshake debt as payment
>Trump is instead doing a fundraiser for the veterans right down the street from the debate, at the same time as the debate
>might get CNN to broadcast it, as a big FUCK YOU to FOX

Bobs game best summary

Saw this on steam greenlight

Best summary of the game

As far as I know, “bob’s game” is a story about a character named Yuu: an emotionally abused child and gaming prodigy. Yuu uncovers a massive conspiracy in the gaming industry, which involves greedy publishers using shovelware as a form of mind control. The villain of “bob’s game” is “bob”: the creator of bob’s game: the greatest game in the (in-game) universe. I believe the underlying themes will be the psychology of game development and game addiction. The game may also inadvertently explore why abused children are more likely to become addicted adults.

Or, maybe it’s just a game about a game within a game.
Also, there are minigames.

Bobs Game and Bobs game puzzle game Now on Steam Greenlight

“bob’s game” is a game about a game called bob’s game. I worked on it for a long time. It’s not done so I want to get it on Early Access.

See more about it on

Please download and play the demos if you have questions about the gameplay.
(Remember: Don’t give up on Tetrid, there is a trick to it.)

Download Demo 1+2 for PC here:
Download Demo 3 for PC here:

Also see the separate Greenlight entry for the bob’s game puzzle game (the best puzzle game ever made) here:

I’ve also listed the custom BobEdit tools and “bob’s game” engine used to make this game on Greenlight, so that others can make games using them if they want:

Ruane Moon and Koffincreep Rejoin a hateful homophobic record label horrorflik musick that makes death threats


Runae moon on hateful homophobic record label horrorflik musick
Runae moon on hateful homophobic record label horrorflik musick

Runae moon – who has many fans that are either LGBQT , Deal with bullying – its the title of one of her songs dontchknow , or are transitioning genders has resigned to horrorflik musick, a hateful and hurtful recrod label that has artists making vile and derogatory comments to the LGBQT and transgender community and making death threats to innocent people and their animals.

Congrats runae you sell out

glover ray mccoy from amarillo texas aka 806 Kannibal wishing death on people
glover ray mccoy from amarillo texas aka 806 Kannibal wishing death on people

Nice anti bullying message from one of your closest facebook freinds huh runae ?
Runae moons record label horrorflik musick makes homophobic post about bruce jenner
Runae moons record label horrorflik musick makes homophobic post about bruce jenner

Tell your LGBQT fans about their “gay asses” – and thats not even the worst of them but i cbf getting vile and sick posts from your label mates but they are easily found if required