FUCK Nick Gage – fake wrestler , bad bank robber and all around drug addict

Nicholas W. “Nick” Wilson is a fake professional wrestler best known from Combat Zone Wrestling, where he wrestled as Nick Gage. Currently signed to Jersey Championship Wrestling, On Point Wrestling, and Combat Zone Wrestling

Along with being the first-ever CZW World Heavyweight Champion, as of early 2011, Gage had wrestled at nearly every CZW show and had competed in more CZW matches than anyone. He has held the World Heavyweight, Tag Team, Iron Man, and Ultraviolent Underground championships during his career Nick Gage’s brother Chris Wilson is also a professional wrestler who performs under the name faggot Pain.

In April 2011 Wilson was sentenced to five years in prison after pleading guilty to second degree bank robbery.

LOL pussy pleading guilty

Wilson handed a note to a female employee at the bank demanding money, and got approximately $3,000

5 years for 3K LOLLLLLLLL

In an interview in early 2010, Wilson stated he had been addicted to oxycontin and other painkillers for at least 10 years

LOL druggalo

the time of the bank robbery in 2010, Wilson was homeless, after being evicted from the house where he had lived with his girlfriend and her mother

Cant even live in his own house – success story


Koffincreep aka little bear aka shadow the cannibal racial photoshop of ovenboss while laughing it up with Killa-mo 187

Koffincreep aka little bear aka shadow the cannibal racial photoshop of ovenboss
Koffincreep aka little bear aka shadow the cannibal racial photoshop of ovenboss
Koffincreep aka little bear aka shadow the cannibal racial photoshop of ovenboss
Koffincreep aka little bear aka shadow the cannibal racial photoshop of ovenboss

Just remember folks these 2 people are currently signed to horrorflik musick and are making and sharing racist photoshops on facebook.

2WIZEDEAD / TwowIZEDEAD ceo of that label has no issue with what his artists do or say but has worked with mastamind before… should mastamind associate with people like this ?

Close down the website http://landofthebanned.com/forum/ and ban the users of the site from the internet for good.

To explain why this website has to be permanently shut down. I need to tell you my story. Before I go on, I will tell you that a culprit is never allowed to play the victim and only a martyr can be a martyr if they are religious. Now that’s cleared out of the way here we go. 10 years ago I said some harsh things that could call into cyberbullying. Made death-threats against these people and even called them names. The worst offense would be posting a NSFW photo onto those forums while under the influence of narcotics. Since than, I have apologized, and they have ignored it thinking I was lying and have attacked myself, and friends of mine. They have downright ruined my own personal and social life. And I don’t want to see anybody else suffer. So please for the love of your country, end it.

shut down land of the banned
shut down land of the banned

Tech N9ne ‘Special Effects’ Tour 2015 VIP Package unboxing / Tech n9ne V.I.P 2015 Package


1 Ticket To A Special Effects Show of Your Choice
Special Effects Tour 2015 VIP T-Shirt (XL Only)
Strange Music Backpack
Strange Music Jeweled Ring
Strange Music Ladies Bling Pendant
Strange Music Resin Necklace
Strange Music Soccer Scarf
Strange Music Stainless Steel Logo Bracelet
Strange Music Sunglasses with Case
Strange Music Video Collection DVD Vol. 7
Strange Music Video Collection DVD Vol. 8
Tech N9ne Canvas Print

BodyBag520 aka Bodybag the zipper rapper from Tucson Arizona

BodyBag is out of Tucson Arizona. part of Deranged Mindz. We offer Beats, Collaborations, mixing and mastering and anything else your musical gene has to offer. Are primary focus is the Underground Horrorcore Music scene but we also like to mix things up a bit and bring you some Main stream Radio sound Also. Much love to all my Fans and supports. its you that motivate me to do what i do.



boogymane36 aka boogymanhoh aka BOOGYMAN THE 806 CANNIBAL the biggest pussy in horrorcore

Any act associating with this pussy needs to know of this little event

Glover aka Reggieray aka boogymanhoh aka BOOGYMAN THE 806 CANNIBAL ran his mouth on facebook threatening to murder people – within a month he has now blocked the people he has threatened on facebook and twitter – what a joke.

For a guy running a tough guy horrorcore gimmick he is the laughing stock of the horrorcore world in Amarillo Texas – horrorcore magazine should issue a retraction for his lies .

The many death threats of ReggieRay Mccoy / Glover Reggieray Mccoy aka boogymane36 aka Boogyman n Lace Vice President of Horrorflik musick

Glover Reggieray Mccoy aka boogymane36 aka Boogyman n Lace Vice President of Horrorflik musick likes to make death threats from skinning people aliva to when I run into one of you it’s on nad You went to fuckin far we gonna get you .

He has now run away with his tail between his legs and it all could go away if he manned up .

Garrett Erskine a.k.a. Geno Cultshit from Darkhalf Overdoses -confirmed Druggalo


Really this wackjob has memorials made out to him like a hero… he ODed on $500 worth of moly acording to people on faygoluvers and tweeted shit like

Dark Half ‏@therealdarkhalf 11 Jul 2012
Dark Half will be performing live @GOTJOTW! We’ll be selling bath salts on drug bridge! #cultshit

Dark Half ‏@therealdarkhalf 25 Sep 2012 Winchester, NV
Hello to all are followers new and old! Dark Half loves you!! Have a drug filled day!

Make sure you have a drug filled Christmas.
-Geno Cultshit
1 retweet 2 favorites

Dark Half ‏@therealdarkhalf 25 Sep 2012 Winchester, NV
Hello to all are followers new and old! Dark Half loves you!! Have a drug filled day!
4 retweets 2 favorites

Dark Half ‏@therealdarkhalf 8 Aug 2012
Drug Bridge…here we come! #gotj

Dark Half ‏@therealdarkhalf 29 Jul 2012
It’s a huge honor to be apart of such a historic event like @GOTJOTW! Drug bridge…we’ve missed you! http://youtu.be/UJSvIZq5R4w via @youtube #MCL

Dark Half ‏@therealdarkhalf 11 Jul 2012
Dark Half will be performing live @GOTJOTW! We’ll be selling bath salts on drug bridge! #cultshit
